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Raab Galerie Berlin

Goethestraße 81
D-10623 Berlin

opening hours:

Tue-Fr 10-18:30
Sa 10-16

☎: ++49 +30 261 92 18
✉: mail@raab-galerie.de

Thurau, Daniel

Daniel Thurau

1972 born in Köthen/ Anhalt

1993-96 studies law, philosophy and sociology at the Martin-Luther-Universität in Halle/ Wittenberg

1994-98 night school at the Hochschule für bildende Kunst und Design, Burg Giebichenstein, Halle/ Saale

1999/2000 travels to New York, London, Prag, Griechenland, Spanien, Italien, Marokko, pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostella

2001 moves to Berlin, where he lives and works as a free painter

Daniel Thurau is as much influenced by his philosophical , sociological and and legal studies as by the desire not to consider painting as isolated, but rather as a comprehensive work of art. This thinking goes back to the Bauhaus ideas and as well to the Brücke movement at the beginning of the 20th century in Dresden. It as one of the reasons why in 1998 Daniel Thurau found the group »KG Eiland« together with Morea ( Peter Rühle) and Oran, after ideas of Aldous Huxley expressed in his novel »Island«.

When Huxley published »Island« thirty years after »Brave New World« , he thought of an idealized reply to »Brave New World » and the affluent society he had criticized there. Furthermore the young artists of »KG Eiland » are pleased by Huxley's principle of anarchistic order in »Island«, that is familiar to them as well because of A.R.Penck . An island is not only a retreat to a small piece of landscape surrounded by water, that you percieve from a distance An island offers as well the possibility of an independant way of life. Here the artists can build up a surrounding where they can formulate their ideas without constraint. The idea behind KG Eiland is to reject existentialistic and nihilistic philosophies in favor of a positive, artistic view of the world defined by the arts.


1998 Stadt und Kreissparkasse Halle

2001 Tacheles, Berlin

2002 Sagemarket, Berlin

2002 absolut respectless-respectless, Berlin

2002 morphio, mit Sebastian Hempel, Galerie Oran, Dresden

2003 Backfabrik, Berlin

2003 Immer nur das Eine, Frauenbilder, Raab Galerie Berlin

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